ldap verify, not route [message #495777] So, 21 November 2004 16:20
Leif Neland
My sendmail is in front of an exchange-server.
mail for mycompany.com is sent to exchange.mycompany.com via mailertable,
and outgoing mail is sent to my isp's smarthost with a
I need to verify the incoming adresses against exchange.
From my php testscript, I can do a query:
$sr=ldap_search($ds, "ou=My Company, c=US", "mail=me [at] mycompany.com");
I get a result, if the adress exists, and none if the emailadress doesn't.
Fine, but the result doesn't contain the adress of the exchange, at least
not in a form usable for sendmail.
define(`confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC', `-h exchange.mydomain.com -b
# LDAP routing maps
Kldapmh ldap -1 -T
Kldapmra ldap -1 -T
Doing a sendmail -v -d -bv my [at] mycompany.com
map_lookup(ldapmra, me [at] mycompany.com) => NOT FOUND (68)
map_lookup(ldapmh, me [at] mycompany.com) => NOT FOUND (68)
map_lookup(ldapmra, [at] mycompany.com) => NOT FOUND (68)
map_lookup(ldapmh, [at] mycompany.com) => NOT FOUND (68)
Is it correct sendmail is looking for a mailHost and a mailRoutingAddress?
Neither is contained in the answer from the exchange ldap.
I can not change the contents of the ldap-server.
As far as I can see, all the examples i can find, queries the ldap-server
for routing information.
I only want to accept mail if the adress exists in ldap, I already know how
to route it, and reject if it doesn't
Surely that is possible?