這裡,2005年建立的別墅,因為Y!Blog的結束成為主要活動空間。 Y!Blog的舊資料(至2013年9月份)都放在隔壁: http://tigerz-yblog2013.blogspot.com
星期四, 9月 28, 2006
Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities : eConsultant
Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities : eConsultant: "Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities"
星期二, 9月 26, 2006
中文垃圾邮件规则下载: "中文垃圾邮件规则下载
有需要的兄弟就下吧~下载后直接放到mdaemon的SpamAssassin\rules目录下.定时更新的. "
有需要的兄弟就下吧~下载后直接放到mdaemon的SpamAssassin\rules目录下.定时更新的. "
星期一, 9月 11, 2006
藥有所得﹕高山症防治知多點 - Yahoo! 新聞
藥有所得﹕高山症防治知多點 - Yahoo! 新聞:
藥有所得﹕高山症防治知多點 (明報) 09月 04日 星期一 05:05AM
【明報專訊】最近青藏鐵路(相關新聞 - 網站)通車掀起全城熱話,許多人對於遊訪這個神秘的地方都顯得躍躍欲試,卻又害怕患上「高山症(相關新聞 - 網站)」。
藥有所得﹕高山症防治知多點 (明報) 09月 04日 星期一 05:05AM
【明報專訊】最近青藏鐵路(相關新聞 - 網站)通車掀起全城熱話,許多人對於遊訪這個神秘的地方都顯得躍躍欲試,卻又害怕患上「高山症(相關新聞 - 網站)」。
星期三, 9月 06, 2006
星期六, 9月 02, 2006
Linux-daemons: Hylafax
Linux-daemons: Hylafax: "Linux: daemons, Hylafax
Table of contents for Hylafax
I work with WHFC, a Windows-client program which acts like a printer for Windows
Which Faxjobs Are Waiting?
Killing A Faxjob
Which Faxjobs Have Been Submitted Today?
Howto change output of commands
Who Is Allowed To Fax With Hylafax?
Administrative Access to Hylafax
Howto delete a faxjob from the commandline
Howto to Delete a Faxjob by Shellscript
Which Faxjobs Are Waiting?
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# faxstat -s
HylaFAX scheduler on glosmitsoos: Running
Modem modem (+49+911+9600157): Waiting for modem to come free
Killing A Faxjob
Find Job-ID with faxstat -s (here it's ID=251, see the paragraph before this)
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# faxrm -a 251
Password: *****************
Job 251 removed.
Which Faxjobs Have Been Submitted Today?
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# xferfaxstats -since '03/26/02 00:00'
Sender Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData
Ertelt@zirndorf.de 2 1:39 1.2 0 14400 1-D MR
lippmann@zirndorf.de 1 0:36 1.7 0 14400 1-D MR
wunderlich@zirndorf.de 4 2:19 1.7 0 9600 1-D MR
Total 7 4:34 1.5
Howto change output of commands
You can change the output of a lot of commands. I made it for faxstat which makes it easier for me to analyze it in Perl. Change the file /usr/share/fax/hfaxd.conf
# Original:
Table of contents for Hylafax
I work with WHFC, a Windows-client program which acts like a printer for Windows
Which Faxjobs Are Waiting?
Killing A Faxjob
Which Faxjobs Have Been Submitted Today?
Howto change output of commands
Who Is Allowed To Fax With Hylafax?
Administrative Access to Hylafax
Howto delete a faxjob from the commandline
Howto to Delete a Faxjob by Shellscript
Which Faxjobs Are Waiting?
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# faxstat -s
HylaFAX scheduler on glosmitsoos: Running
Modem modem (+49+911+9600157): Waiting for modem to come free
Killing A Faxjob
Find Job-ID with faxstat -s (here it's ID=251, see the paragraph before this)
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# faxrm -a 251
Password: *****************
Job 251 removed.
Which Faxjobs Have Been Submitted Today?
[root@glosmitsoos cgi-bin]# xferfaxstats -since '03/26/02 00:00'
Sender Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData
Ertelt@zirndorf.de 2 1:39 1.2 0 14400 1-D MR
lippmann@zirndorf.de 1 0:36 1.7 0 14400 1-D MR
wunderlich@zirndorf.de 4 2:19 1.7 0 9600 1-D MR
Total 7 4:34 1.5
Howto change output of commands
You can change the output of a lot of commands. I made it for faxstat which makes it easier for me to analyze it in Perl. Change the file /usr/share/fax/hfaxd.conf
# Original:
文章 (Atom)
其實不大想點名道姓講出「雞伯嶺」來。 始終這裡偏僻,沒有公共交通工具經此。如果揸車而來,多幾輛車已經會動彈不得。 以前曾經來過,但發現突入狗窩禁戒區,被幾隻惡犬嚴重警告而身退,但是地形則留下深刻印象:朝西的大斜坡,整個西部通道大橋一覽無遺。 這裡開車只是大約...
香港地方說不大,其實郊遊地方不少。 青龍頭(沈澱池)起步,可以銜接幾個郊遊徑,可近可遠。對於揸車前來的,就會選擇「圓周」型的路線了。 今天,我們就以圓墩古村(民安隊訓練營)為目標走了一圈。 揸車去郊外是老婆開心的事情:不用給泊車費啊。將車開入綠茵茵的郊野公...